5 Graphic Design Trends You’re Seeing Everywhere

Just like fashion or furniture, graphic design trends go in and out of style. Designers are visual communicators, and these evolving trends influence almost everything we see, from package design and book covers to websites and social media. They’re ingrained into our everyday life, grabbing our attention as we’re scrolling, shopping and streaming. But these trends are so much more than eye candy.

72% of Americans say that package design determines whether or not they’ll make a purchase.

Graphic design trends have a huge impact on marketing dollars and bottom lines, but they also serve as a time capsule. They are a snapshot of a moment in time – and act as a mirror of our culture, economy and society.

Used successfully, a brand’s design speaks to an audience on an instinctual level. It’s a quick signal of a brand’s authenticity or freshness. It stands out on a crowded shelf. It can even reinforce who people want to be – bold and daring, responsible and eco-conscious, sophisticated and savvy.

Discover some of the latest graphic design trends that are inspiring creatives and calling out to consumers.

Organic Gradients

Designers have been employing gradients for a long time, but in recent years, a more fluid, dreamy approach has been gaining popularity. These new gradients are complex, blurry or hazy with a multi-tonal approach that delivers an impactful, scroll-stopping display. The affect is modern and innovative. Because of their fluid nature, they’re also extremely flexible, and can be easily morphed to create different impressions and personalities – from playful and energizing to subdued and calming. It’s likely you’ve seen these organic gradients on user interfaces for your favorite apps, on the labels of trendy spirits and all across the web.

Desaturated Colors

Muted colors are increasing in popularity – particularly in brands that focus on wellness and sustainability. These shades are subtle, sophisticated and convey a sense of calm and serenity. Compared to vibrant and vivid hues, desaturated colors feel trustworthy and safe. Desaturated colors work well for brands that wish to be perceived as authentic, clean and natural.


More traditionally seen as an art form, digital collage is taking design by storm. This trend brings together mixed media, like photography, illustration, paper and fabric to create something unexpected. Collages have depth, using textures and shadow to create a layered feeling of something artful and handmade. Incorporating multiple mediums creates an unexpected statement, a bold and eye-catching visual that’s stronger than the sum of its parts.


With minimalism, less is more. This design trend celebrates quality and substance by utilizing only what’s absolutely essential in a communication. Traditionally, this means removing any unnecessary components. Minimalism leans towards flat design with easy-to-read type, sometimes with softer fonts and lowercase letters. Photography is spare and clean. Illustrations are simple and two-dimensional. And the result is luxurious and expensive, signifying trust, craftsmanship and authenticity.

3D Depth/Realism

With new innovations in design technology and software, it’s no surprise that 3D depth and realism have become a major trend. Often employed by brands that wish to be seen as forward-thinking and futuristic, computer-generated graphics transform real products into something magical, whimsical and fantastical. But not everything has a maximalist approach, 3D design also adds style to simple elements, such as type or geometric shapes, to create a more prominent or interesting focal feature.

How powerful are design trends?

Some transform into an enduring staple. Take millennial pink – a color trend that became synonymous with an entire generation. This pastel hue survived beyond its five minutes of fame and became a larger cultural reflection of our changing tastes, spanning the interiors of instagrammable restaurants around the world.

Millennial Pink created a dialogue about how a singular color could not only attract a group of people, but make them feel connected and understood.

For the most part, trends are temporary – but great design never goes out of style. Taking a risk to utilize a fresh design trend can pay off big time, helping brands create real impact, compete in crowded markets and showcase a unique sensibility. Graphic design trends capture the zeitgeist while telling a story. The only question is, what story does your brand want to tell?